Research shows that dealing with IT is a stressful issue at work


Bangalore, February 21 — With a growing number of personal devices being used at the workplace, dealing with IT has emerged as the most stressful issue at work for young employees in India according to research commissioned by VMware (NYSE: VMW), the global leader in virtualization and cloud infrastructure.

A majority (75 percent) of the respondents to the survey in India were workers who were born between the year 1980 and 1995.

The 2nd annual ‘New Way of Life Study 2013,’ conducted across 12 countries in Asia-Pacific, found that the Generation Y workforce is increasingly bringing their own devices to the workplace to be more efficient (81 percent) and using their preferred IT tools to handle stress (69 percent). In fact, 78 percent claim to be happier in their role when they are allowed to use a device of their choice.

The study revealed that Indians find dealing with IT issues (40 percent) is far more stressful than dealing with bureaucracy (35 percent) or their workload (31 percent).

When evaluating potential employers, 80 percent of the respondents (compared to 70 percent last year) believe that the ones who offer technological freedom are more progressive, dynamic, and desirable to work for.


–        85 percent of employees in India are provided with a portable device from their employer

–        81 percent (compared to 77 percent last year) are bringing their own device to work to help them complete their tasks

–        52 percent of the respondents in India said that they were getting support from IT for their personal devices, 73 percent said that they would spend – or waste – time working out a solution on their own if IT did not assist them

–        41 percent of Indian workers felt they were less efficient when restricted by IT policies, and that their employer did not trust them (25 percent) by laying down restrictions

–        India’s desire to use personal mobile devices at work is driven by the need to be mobile (43 percent) and more connected (42 percent)

–        Employees are looking to IT for support on integrating their personal devices (56 percent) at the workplace, faster network access (65 percent), and flexible access to devices such as printers and scanners to improve productivity (54 percent)

–         Customer focus (80 percent), operational efficiency (84 percent) and improvements in productivity (79 percent) emerged as the top three priorities for India organizations in 2013

–         This year’s research again shows that a considerably high number of respondents are actually working outside the office – 81 percent are working from home, 71 percent on holidays, and 57 percent while on the road

–         71 percent of the respondents bought 2 or more personal devices in 2012, and 38 percent of them lost a device in the same period

–         Respondents claim to use their personal devices to access communication tools (85 percent), social networking platforms (70 percent) and information (63 percent)


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