‘Royal’ education to tribal kids


ENARADA, Mysuru, September 19, 2015

Guess the reaction of kids if they are asked to study in a palace instead of forest?

 It is a ‘royal’ learning for children of Mahouts as they begin their crash course at the world famous Mysuru palace premises.

Ever year, Mahouts and their family head out to Mysuru to stay for a couple of weeks till the Dasara festivities end. As a result, the kids accompanying these Mahouts are forced to skip the school. Hence, the state government decided to organise tent schools so these children don’t miss out their everyday classes. The practice has been in vogue for the last six years.

'Royal' education to tribal kids. Photo: WWW.ENARADA.COM

This year, the tent school (class one to seven) was inaugurated by Mysuru legislator MK Somashekar (not in Pic) on Saturday. Photo by www.enarada.com


Around 14 students have been enrolled to the tent school which will be held every day between 10 am to 2 pm. The tent academic schedule begins with a prayer, Naada Geete and national anthem.

Two teachers from the nearby Urdu Primary School have been roped in to teach students in both English and Kannada subjects.

Along with the tent school, there is also a facility of tent library that has been placed in the palace premises. As these kids have been studying in forests till now, tent school in palace premise will be a welcome break.


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