‘Saving Mothers’ campaign by the Federation of Obstetric & Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI) & PATH

Dr. HEMA DIVAKAR, President, FOGSI, explains the use of ‘Hysterscopic morcellators’ – an innovative technology being implemented through yuva gynecologist in ‘Saving Mothers’ project to reduce maternal deaths across Karnataka supported by PATH.
Dr. HEMA DIVAKAR, President, FOGSI, explains the use of €˜ a Hysterscopic morcellatorsa an innovative technology being implemented through yuva gynecologist in a €˜Saving Mothers , €™ project to reduce maternal deaths across Karnataka supported by PATH.

Bangalore, Feb 23: In an effort to reduce maternal deaths across Karnataka, particularly in rural areas, the Federation of Obstetric & Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI), the apex body of obstetricians and gynecologists in the country, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), a US-based international non-profit organisation that transforms global health through innovation.

The MoU facilitates FOGSI to advocate the safe and appropriate use of Uterotonics (drugs used to augment labour) through obstetricians, gynecologists, medical officers and ANMs/Staff Nurse by imparting training and hands-on experience to them.

The Oxytocin Initiative Project at PATH conducted a landscape review looking at uterotonic use at or around birth, and the quality of injectable Uterotonics in Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka. The project disseminated its India landscape review findings at both the national and state levels. These studies have raised awareness around critical issues related to uterotonic use and misuse during labour and delivery, as well as issues related to uterotonic quality.

Commenting on the MoU, Dr. Hema Divakar, President, FOGSI, said, “Maternal death is a serious concern in several states. In India, the direct causes of maternal death are haemorrhage (38%), sepsis (11%), hypertensive disorders (5%), and obstructed labour (5%), abortion (8%) and other conditions (34%). In Karnataka, maternal death rate is 213 for every 100,000; high compared to Andhra Pradesh (157) or Tamil Nadu (97). The misuse of uterotonic drugs play a pivotal role in the whole process. This MoU will enable us to sensitize the people concerned on all these aspects.”

“In keeping with the theme for FOGSI 2013 –innovation to implementation, we hope to create an impact through this collaboration. We will show the world, the impact of what one billion Indians can do – saving mothers is the primary mission of FOGSI and the FOGSI PATH collaboration aims to prevent needless deaths in mothers in Karnataka,” Dr. Hema added.

Speaking about the collaboration, W. Sita Shankar, Director-Maternal Health & Nutrition, PATH, said, “We believe that if we can improve health in India, we can change the face of Global Health. This collaboration is part of our on-going initiatives to improve the health delivery systems in the country. We are happy to be associated with FOGSI for this particular endeavour.”

Stimulation of uterus during labour by using uterotonic drugs to increase the frequency, duration and strength of contractions when spontaneous contractions are considered inadequate is common. However, there are several dangers associated with augmenting labour with an uterotonic drug, such as the quality and quantity of uterine contractions are greatly affected. Increased pressure of the contractions can, and often does, compress the umbilical cord and cut down the baby’s oxygen supply which may lead to foetal distress, asphyxia, and foetal death; uterine rupture and abruptio placentae; increased pain for the mother of the uterotonic-induced contractions is likely to increase her stress and anxiety levels; oxytocin is a strong anti-diuretic, even at low doses; its combination with the IV fluids can result in water intoxication.

Over the next 6 months, the ‘Save Mothers’ campaign will be extended to 19 districts in Karnataka. The champions to the campaign, such as, the youth leaders and thought leaders from FOGSI and PATH are here today to map out the strategies of effective implementation of protocols to take care of bleeding after birth. Training frontline health care providers in remote districts of Bidar, Gulbarga, Bagalkote, Bijapur and the rest of Karnataka will help them do what they are supposed to do. This is expected to show the necessary impact in reducing maternal deaths in the state.

FOGSI recognises its role beyond healthcare because only when a woman is educated and empowered to take decision about her own reproductive health, will society be able to achieve the vision of promoting wellness & preventing illness. A panel discussion titled ‘Our Responsibilities Beyond Healthcare’ scheduled this evening, aims to discuss solutions for women healthcare with all stakeholders –NGOs, legal experts, media, police, celebrities & clinicians.


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