‘Wine is harmful’ says protesters but for government, Wine is ‘Divine’


ENARADA, Mysuru, December 26, 2014

Promoting wine by organsing ‘Wine Festivals’ across the state is detrimental to Indian culture and an assault on the society, said members of  All India Mahila Samskritika Sanghatane(AIMSS), All India Democratic Youth Organisation (AIDYO) and All India Democratic Students Organisation(AIDSO) in a joint protest held today near Ramaswamy circle in Mysuru.

Alleging that Wine festival encourages intoxication and ultimately degrade the society protesters hit the street opposing the event.

Protest against Wine Festival in Mysuru, Dec 26, 2014Enarada.com
Basavaraju, District Committee Member of AIDSO, M.Umadevi, State Vicepresident of AIDYO, Chandrashekar Meti, District President of AIDYO, Sandhya.P.S. Distrcit Secretary of AIMSS, Seema, District Vicepresident of AIMSS and hundreds of students participated in the protest against Wine Festival in Mysuru today. Photo: WWW.ENARADA.COM


Karnataka Wine Board has organised Mysuru Wine Fest 2014 for three days starting from today and protesters shouted slogans against the Government for giving prominence to promote wine culture instead of improving quality of education and other areas which is essential for the society.

Continuing his argument, Chandrashekar Meti, President,Mysuru unit of AIDYO said, useless Wine culture was introduced during BJP regime in the disguise of helping grape growers, Grape processing industries and Wine Companies,  and the present Congress government is  emulating the same ‘wrong policy.’

“We found that Wine sold by Government has excess alcohol in it which is sufficient to make addiction. To cover up the facts, Government promotes wine as a healthy drink,” says Meti.

BJP government shifted control of Wine from Excise department to Horticulture department to set a trend that Wine is not a hot drink, but wine too poses danger to society similar to alcoholic beverages, said protesters.

Speaking to www.enarada.com, Sarvesh Kumar, General Manager of Karnataka Wine Board said legality of wine still lies with Excise department but Horticulture department found its way in promoting Wine as it is produced from Grapes.

“Anyone can obtain a licence by paying Rupees one thousand under Excise rule no.5 and sell Wine in their shop provided they stick to sales of wine alone. Any way wine is considered ‘divine’ due to its healthy properties,” said Sarvesh Kumar.

Wine Fest 2014, Mysuru, Enarada.com Dec 26-28,2014
Wine lovers took part in the festival and visits a stall at the Wine fest 2014. Most of the stalls offered free sample and attractive discount on purchases made.Photo: ENARADA.COM


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