Dr Samanta enrolls Dana Majhi’s three Daughters for free education


eNarada, Bhubaneswar, September 10, 2016

[dropcap style=”inverted”]Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) has decided to provide free education to three daughters of Dana Majhi.[/dropcap]


Mr Dana Majhi had recent made news globally when he was forced to carry the dead body of his wife for more than a 10 kilometres after a local hospital refused to provide him ambulance for ferrying the body back to the village. The incident also showed how Mr Dana Majhi and his family were leading a poverty-stricken life and had lost all the hopes in the system. This was when, KIIT & KISS founder Dr Achyuta Samanta stepped in and consoled Mr Dana Majhi and said that it was his responsibility to provide free education to all the three Majhi daughters (Chandini, Sonei and Pramila). With this, Dana Majhi is a relieved man and had thanked Dr Samanta for his timely and humanitarian gesture.

Dr. Samanta also informed that Mr Dana Majhi will get financial assistance from Government of Bahrain. He has already discussed with the Ambassador of Bahrain in New Delhi in this regard, he informed. An amount of Rs. 9 lakh will be given whenever Dana Majhi will visit the Embassy of Bahrain in New Delhi with a representative of KISS, Dr. Samanta elaborated. As per advice of the Ambassador of Bahrain, this amount will be deposited as fixed deposits in the names of daughters of Dana Majhi, he added.

Meanwhile, the tribal representatives from the Kalahandi district requested KISS authorities to open a branch of the institute in Kalahandi. A branch of KISS will start functioning in Kalahandi from the coming academic year, KISS authorities hinted. Though the land for this purpose has already been purchased since 2011, work has not progressed due to paucity of funds. The tribal organizations from Kalahandi further requested to admit 100 more children from Dana Majhi’s village and the local area in KISS, which was also agreed to in principle.


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