Awareness campaign about organ donation


Awareness campaign Members of HCG Foundation, KPL and KSCA announcing the launch of the initiative.

ENARADA, Bangalore, August 25, 2014

Aimed at spreading awareness about  how one person can save 12 lives, “I Pledge to save 12” (IPTS) campaign is gearing up.

The campaign is scheduled to kick-start with the  Karnataka Premier League (KPL) 2014 on August 28, 2014, where each ticket will carry a pledge form. Post submission of the pledge forms, lucky winners will win free tickets to the Champions League to be held later in India.

IPTS will see HCG Foundation along with various partners organise several awareness and educational drives throughout the city.

Present at the occasion, Dr. Ramesh Bilimagga –Trustee, IPTS and a live donor, said, “It has been noted that because of various taboos and superstitious and lack of contacts, organ donation has not reached an appropriate platform. We wish through this awareness on humanity, that each one of us will take a pledge in that direction and make our future better and brighter.”

Dr. Basant Mahadevappa – Transplant Surgeon – HCG said, “More and more people are suffering from end stage organ failure. However each patient can be saved by performing transplantation in suitable time. Thanks to the advance in medicines, we can do this through living donors and donors after brain dead. Patients after brain dead can save up to 12 lives by donating suitable organs for transplantation.

Dinesh Madhavan, Director, IPTS said, “I believe that campaign will create a chain where after a pledge a person will request 12 of his friends take a pledge and thus create a national registry of pledging to donate one’s organs and save lives.”

Speaking at the event, Mr. P R Ashok Anand – Hon. President – KSCA said, “KPL aims to promote talent at a grassroots level and give cricketers a platform to enhance their skills. If this platform can also tie in with a noble cause like organ donation, we would be privileged to be associated with it.”



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