NASA Chief visits ISRO Centre at Ahmedabad

Dr. K.Radhakrishnan Chariman, ISRO
Dr. K.RadhakrishnanChariman, ISRO
Dr. K.Radhakrishnan
Chariman, ISRO

Enarada, Bangalore, June 25, 2013:

Charles F. Bolden Jr., Administrator of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of United States, visited Space Applications Centre (SAC) of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) at Ahmedabad today.

The NASA Administrator had a meeting with Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, Chairman, ISRO/ Secretary, Department of Space along with senior officials of ISRO to discuss the on-going cooperative activities between ISRO and NASA and also the potential areas of future cooperation.

Mr. Charles Bolden delivered a talk on ‘NASA’s Space Programme’ highlighting the current work at NASA as well as future plans to advance space exploration and reach new destinations such as an asteroid and Mars.

In his talk, he made a special mention of NASA’s new asteroid initiative, which includes work to identify and characterise asteroids of all types and a mission to capture and redirect an asteroid into an orbit closer to Earth so that astronauts can visit it.

The talk was delivered in SAC Auditorium and transmitted to all ISRO Centres and Units. Mr. Bolden also visited some of the technical facilities of SAC pertaining to the development of satellite sensors and antennas.

India and United States pursue active civil space cooperation mainly in the areas of earth sciences, space exploration, satellite navigation and professional exchange.

This is the first visit by Charles F. Bolden Jr. to any ISRO Centre after he took over as NASA Administrator in July 2009. Mr. Bolden is the third NASA chief to visit ISRO in the past four decades.


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