Protest against wrong portrayal of Jhansi Rani Lakshmibai and inclusion of Rahul Gandhi subject in Text books


enarada news and webcast

enarada news and webcast

ENARADA, Hubli, July 30, 2013:


Members of Sri Rama Sena led by its president Pramod Muthalik held a protest today in Hubli, against portraying Jhansi ki Rani in a ‘objectionable’ way in the Text books.

Sri Rama Sena also condemned the inclusion of Rahul Gandhi’s bio data in the text books.

Shouting slogans against UPA government , Muthalik and his followers arrived in a rally and burnt Tyre as a protest against alleged disrespect meted out to a renowned freedom fighter.

Muthalik said that Rani using Hukka is printed in Page No. 139 of Orient black smith published C.B.S.C syllabus 5th standard  Social text book and it shows the callous attitude of the central Government towards freedom fighters. “Children were disgusted to see such a photo in their text book and complained to their parents against it” Muthalik said.

Muthalik was furious at including Rahul Gandhi’s subject in the Guide book of 5th standard English Text book.  He said that , Government forcibly projecting Rahul Gandhi as a legendary person in the minds of young children.




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