Touch and get blessed


eNarada, Bengaluru,  Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Thousands of devotees had turned up to have darshan of their favourite God-Panduranga at Rukumini Panduranga temple in Kunmarapark west, Seshadripuram.

Ashada Ekadashis are an auspicious day at the Panduranga temples world over. While a majority of Panduranga devotees head to Pandharapur; those who cannot make it, visit the nearby temples.

For Bengalrueans, the Rukmini Panduranga temple was the destination to be on Tuesday.

Sri Mahalakshmi  mandira Trust run by Akhila Bhawasara Kshtriya Mahasabaha had made elaborate arrangements by decorating the deity with Tulasi and flowers. The best part for the devotees was that they could touch the deity and have His blessings (this is unique because in most of the temples, the devotees are kept out of the sanctum sanctorum).

Meanwhile, thousands from Karnataka were part of the Pandharpur Wari (an annual pilgrimage) to Pandharpur. These devotees mostly from north Karnataka accompany palakhis (palanquin processions) by carrying the paduka (foot prints) of various saints – most notably Dnyaneshwar and Tukaram – from the Varkari. The tradition is kept alive for more than eight centuries.


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